Geza Vermes on the Age of Jesus

I’ve finished reading Geza Vermes’ Who’s Who in the Age of Jesus, which provides a useful overview of the history of ancient Palestine between the Roman conquest of Judaea (63 BCE) and the defeat of the second Jewish revolt (135 CE). The bulk of the book consists of a set of biographical portraits, presented alphabetically, Read More…

The Resurrection Case in 1969

By the late 1960s, following the work of Wolfhart Pannenberg and other post-Bultmanneans, the main elements of the contemporary case for the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus began to fall into place. This development is illustrated by an article that appeared in 1969 that was written by a Catholic scholar, Joseph J. Smith, S.J. Read More…

A Second Reboot

As you can see, I’ve been away for a while, but I’ve finally been getting re-started on my resurrection research. I’ve started working my way slowly through the backlog of 300+ articles that I’ve collected on the resurrection, and I’ve been reading through them roughly in chronological order to try to get a better grasp Read More…

Resurrection Research Reboot

I’ve been away from my research for a while, but I’m finally getting re-started and should have some new posts over the coming days. In the meantime, I’ve re-designed the Web site, placing the blog on the front page, and I’ve added categories to the existing posts. Plus, I’ve been doing typing drills to improve Read More…

Beginning the Search

I’ve been researching the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus, so I thought I’d start posting my notes online, in case anyone else might happen to be interested. I first started reading about the historical case for the resurrection in 2010, after I discovered the works of William Lane Craig. I originally encountered Craig’s Read More…